Chris Odegard is The Prolific Investor
Chris Odegard is the author of “Get off Your A$$ and Manage Your Money: Why You Need Alternative Investments.” In this episode he explains why conventional investing wisdom is seriously flawed and why so many North Americans will never have an abundant retirement lifestyle, much less achieve financial freedom at a younger age.
Chris discusses alternate investments, their how and why, with some interesting insights and logic.
Test yourself by taking Chris’ “Conventional Wisdom Quiz” at
Review his list of alternate investments at the website too.
The Two Boomer Women Podcast - in conversation with Chris Odegard
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About the guest: Chris Odegard
Chris Odegard is The Prolific Investor. Chris is an average guy who had a white-collar job in the corporate world and followed the only thing he knew for decades, conventional wisdom and conventional investments. This worked relatively well until 2009, when he experienced an illiquidity event where he lost 55% of his assets and thousands of dollars per month in cash flow.
Then, Chris read Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, and his mind was opened to a different type of investing, investing in real assets and private deals mostly insulated from the volatility, risk, and taxation of the stock market.
In just nine years, Chris recouped the 55% he had lost and multiplied it many times over and now shares his experience and knowledge with you through his book Get off Your A$$ and Manage Your Money: Why You Need Alternative Investments and his alternative investment blog at
- Visit Chris Odegard’s Website
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