Episode Extras

Episode: 24 February 2021

In this episode Agnes presented her “Income / Outgone” spreadsheet.  It’s hard to do a demo without a video, so here’s the video.  The Screen Capture software didn’t like speed scroll so parts are a bit blurry but you’ll understand.

The Income – Outgone Excel Spreadsheet

Agnes also promised a link to her Retirement Planning course: Suddenly 60.  It was created a few years ago but is still pertinent.  Our gift to you!

Episode: 09 June 21 - DurgaMata Chaudhury

At 25:35 of the episode, DurgaMata tells us of a book that helped calm her on her first visit to the London location of her master’s following.  While a brief synopsis was included in the show notes, click the button below to read the full article.

Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul, Agni Press, 1971

Guest Offerings (for Free!):

Healthy Recipes!  From our guests!